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Hi, I'm Clare

I went through my menopause aged 45, whilst working in a highly pressurised corporate role. At the time I was spinning many plates of roles and responsibilities, which included being a mum of two teenage sons, a wife, a daughter supporting my Mum with a chronic illness, and a niece trying to support my Aunt and Uncle through a terminal diagnosis.


Before I reached burnout, I missed so many warning signs from my mind and body, urging me to slow down.  But I was too busy trying to be everything to everyone else, and my needs came last, that was until it all came tumbling down in April 2018


Time off work forced me to make time for me, to process emotions, reflect on who I was beyond these roles and responsibilities, and understand what was important to me.  I decided to work with a coach to support my recovery and the clarity helped me make life changing decisions. Such as, leaving a 12 year corporate career in HR to retrain as a life coach.


This first experience of coaching and my coaching training was part of a journey of personal growth and self discovery.  I regained my sense of self and purpose and created a lifestyle that met my wellbeing needs.


It was only after years of coaching women to improve their mental wellbeing that I joined up the dots.  Between the symptoms of perimenopause and the symptoms of stress and how this leads to burnout.


Which is why I'm passionate about helping women who are noticing signs of burnout during perimenopause, how to  begin to recover from burnout and navigate the call to growth of the menopausal transition.   

I'm an expert in showing women how to successfully navigate burnout during perimenopause, leading to recovery from burnout, reduced symptoms and the creation of a lifestyle than better meets their needs. 

My mission is to guide women to embrace the psychological shift of their menopausal transition, so they lean into the personal growth that leads them to realise their personal power.
My why is to inspire women of all ages to reimagine womanhood in the 21st Century to bring balance with gender egalitarian societies.     â€‹

Qualifications & Experience

Prior to retraining as a life coach in May 2019 I was previously a Level 5 CIPD certified HR professional.


During my 12 year HR career I was proud to have successfully led the implementation of the Investors in People accreditation in two organisations. Which is a nationally recognised framework that ensures an organisations people strategy prioritises their people development, as this underpins an organisations success and sustainability. 


I was also proud to have implemented the Workplace Wellbeing Strategy in one of the first organisations to receive this award in Coventry, and was presented the award by Dame Carol Black.  I was asked to contribute towards the formation of the first Workplace Wellbeing Champion training as part of Thrive at Work in the West Midlands. Which replaced the Workplace Wellbeing Charter accreditation, to encourage local employers to commit to creating a workplace that promotes employee health and wellbeing.    


I am an ABNLP accredited NLP Coach and have also gone on to complete qualifications in Mental Health First Aid and Advocacy in the Workplace and Mental Health & Wellbeing Practitioner Training.  


Metanoia Lifestyle Logo

Metanoia Lifestyle

The significance of my business name and logo

Metanoia is pronounced 'meh-ta-noy-ah' and it's Greek for: "the transformative journey of changing one's mind, heart, self and way of life."


It's speaks of the personal transformation that occurs when someone goes through a psychological shift, which changes how they see and feel about themselves, others and the world around them. 


It starts with noticing the increasing mental conflict between who they think they are and who they want to be in their life.  It's a call to go inward and reflect, to question who they are, what's important to them and how they can create change for increased fulfilment and wellbeing.


I first came across the word Metanoia when planning to start a coaching business.  It resonated so deeply with me based on my personal journey and it perfectly described the personal transformation people experience from the coaching experience.


It was fours years later after coaching women to improve their mental wellbeing, that I noticed they all had one thing in common - they were nearly all in their menopausal transition! This was a huge insight for me, and I wondered why I hadn't noticed this before.


However, after researching the history of the menopause and women's experiences in different cultures across the world. I came to the conclusion that the menopause does bring about a psychological shift which impacts our mental health. 


The sooner a woman works on this mental conflict, which creates a stress response in her body, the sooner she can reduce the effects of stress hormones on her brain and body. Leading to a reduced likelihood and severity of menopausal symptoms.  


The Spiral Goddess

The figure of a woman in my logo is that of a Spiral Goddess, which represents female power and creativity.  This symbol dates back to ancient times and the spiral symbolises cycles of personal growth.


The open hands and arms symbolise how we need to surrender at times to let nature take it's course, and also celebrate our creativity and wisdom through personal growth. 


It felt the perfect symbol for embracing how a woman evolves through her menopause, which is a natural stage of life that should be celebrated as a rite of passage.

Book a call

Find out how you can thrive instead of survive through your menopause journey

Let's have a chat about where you are now and how I can support you, then we can decide if it's a good fit for us to work together! 

When you click on the 'Book a call' button you will be redirected to my Acuity Calendar.  Just select a suitable date and time and I'll email you to confirm our scheduled call.  

Clare Hopkins - Menopause Mental Health Coach


Self Care Reinvention is the newsletter to accompany you through your menopausal transition and it will also help you to prepare to thrive through this natural stage of life.
This is a time of reinvention for you as a woman, as your mind and body go through an internal renovation which spans over a number of years.  But it can be the final straw if you're already struggling with the effects of chronic stress, which is why cultivating a self care practice becomes a necessity. As it will help you to take ownership of your menopause experience as you learn how to meet your evolving needs. 

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Menopause coaching to empower women to embrace their menopause transition
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